Pokemon GO on Windows Phone - when will it be released, how to download. Pokemon GO Windows Phone – will it come out? Will pokemon go be released on windows?

Tired of waiting for the official version of Pokémon Go to be released on Windows and Windows Mobile? Enough tolerating this! The developer published the first version of the unofficial client on GitHub Pokémon Go for Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile. All you need is an appx file and instructions how to install Pokémon Go on Windows Phone and Windows 10 Mobile.

This is what it looks like on smartphones

Please note that this is an unofficial version, and even in beta status. Don't be surprised that PoGo lacks some features from the official game, and the application itself can be unstable, lagging or crashing. And yes, the game does not have augmented reality or 3D effects. Deal with it. In any case, it's better than nothing. So, if you really want to, here are instructions on how to install the Pokemon Go game on your Windows smartphone.

Remember, you won’t be able to install Pokemon Go on Windows Phone 8.1, don’t even try. Most likely the game will not be released on Windows Phone at all.

Note: if you do not have access to an Android or iOS smartphone, you will have to dance with a tambourine and.

Remember, if you have already installed PoGo at least once from your computer, next time you can download the latest version of the APPX file directly to your smartphone and install it directly from Explorer with one click.

Such pies, guys. So you can now race Pokemon on Windows smartphones. Maybe not in such bright colors as on Android or iOS, but still.

Pokemon GO, a popular mobile game with augmented reality elements, has become a real hit in the gaming industry. However, it was only available on Android and iOS platforms. While users of other mobile platforms were wondering “whether the game will come out on Windows phone” and signing a petition for it, the developer STApps released a third-party client that allows you to play Pokemon GO on Windows 10 Mobile. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to download Pokemon GO on Windows Phone. However, it will be hoped that the guys from STApps will “finish” their PoGo-UWP application (which is in the “beta” stage) and fans will be able to install Pokemon GO on Windows Phone.

The PoGo-UWP app is currently freely available on GitHub as an early beta version. The game does not look as beautiful as the official Pokemon GO client, but it still allows you to catch Pokemon, visit PokeStops and Gyms. Hatching eggs is not yet available. In any case, STApps has made a good start and will hope that they will not abandon the project, add new features and allow you to play Pokemon GO on Windows Phone.

How to install Pokemon GO on Windows 10 Mobile

In order to play Pokemon GO on Windows 10 Mobile, we need a device with Windows 10 Mobile and a personal computer. The devices must be on the same wi-fi network. Let's take a step-by-step look at what steps you need to take to run Pokemon GO on Windows 10 Mobile.

Point number zero - download the archive with the files that we will need to launch the game.

1. Create a Pokemon Club trainer account. Activate your account. To do this, you need to log into the game once under this account on an Android or iOS device or on an Android emulator. It will be easier for someone to ask a friend for a smartphone for a couple of minutes)

2. Enable "Developer Mode" and "Device Portal" on your Windows 10 Mobile device.

  • Go to "Settings" - "Update and Security" - "For Developers". Turn on "Developer Mode". We also enable "Device discovery".
  • In the same menu we enable “Device Portal” and “Authentication”.

3. Rewrite the IP address that is indicated in the “Device Portal” (sub-item “connect via”). Type it into the address bar of your favorite browser.

4. A message will appear asking you to enter a code. We get the required code by clicking on the “Link” button in the “Device detection” section on your smartphone. We enter the code and the device portal opens. If the browser does not allow you to access the site due to a security certificate, we allow entry.

Install Pokemon GO UWP for Windows 10 Mobile

Now we install the Pokemon GO UWP application on our smartphone.

  1. Select the "Apps" section on the "Device Portal". In the "Install Apps" section, select the PokemonGo-UWP_1.0.3.0_ARM_Debug.appx file from the archive you downloaded earlier.
  2. In the "Dependency" section, click on the "Add dependency" button and select the Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0.appx file. Click on "Add dependency" again and select the file Microsoft.VCLibs.ARM.Debug.14.00.appx
  3. In the "Deploy" section, click on the "Go" button. Wait for the end of the process and the inscription “Done”.

4. Search for Pokemon GO UWP in Windows 10 Mobile applications and launch it.

5. Enter your Pokemon Club trainer account and enjoy the game.

I remind you once again that the program only works on Windows 10 Mobile; you cannot download Pokemon GO on Windows Phone yet. Write in the comments about your successes and failures in running Pokemon GO on Windows 10 Mobile.

Today we will introduce you to a game called Pokemon GO. Initially, the application was released in other countries, but finally the game was officially released in Russia. It is worth noting that you can now download Pokemon GO not only on Android, but also on PC. This will be quite easy to do, since you only need an emulator for installation. At the end of the article, we will tell you in more detail how to launch the application on your computer in a few minutes.

If you are familiar with other games in the adventure genre, write about them in the comments and we will take a closer look at the most interesting projects.

Of course, the Pokemon Go project is unique and worked out to the smallest detail. It is worth noting that there are indeed very few similar projects, but they still exist. Just the game - Jurassic World: The Game will also allow you to plunge into the world of adventure and take care of the pets you find. By the way, you can also familiarize yourself with them on our website. Today we will talk about the game Pokemon Go, which in 2018 officially became available for download on both Android and PC in Russia.

Game description:

The Pokemon Go game was created based on the cartoon about Pikachu and his friends. Many fans have been waiting for the official release for a long time and it has finally happened. It is worth noting that the game turned out to be quite bright and consists of various stages of passage.

Collect your collection of Pokemon and send them into battle.

The most exciting moment is the search for heroes. To find a new Pokemon you have to explore the territory that is located next to you and use the camera to see the hero and catch it. After your animal is captured, it will appear in the collection section, where you can improve and grow it. The developers of Niantic, Inc really tried and created an excellent masterpiece that will allow you to enjoy your favorite game at any time. It is worth noting that it is best to play this application with the Internet in order to quickly find new pets and tame them. Once you enter the game world, you will have to choose a login method. You can log in using Google mail or using Facebook. The Pokemon Go game is absolutely free, so after logging in you can immediately start playing.

How to play Pokemon Go on PC?

As soon as you enter the world of the Pokemon GO game, you have to choose a hero. Your character will collect Pokemon and train them in the future. There are two heroes to choose from – a man and a woman. They can change their appearance, hairstyle, eye color and face shape. After this, you go into the mode of adjusting clothes, hats, gloves, shoes, etc. Here you can also choose a unique image for your character, which will distinguish him from others.

To catch a Pokemon you need to use the camera.

As soon as you turn on the camera, it will show you exactly where the little prankster is hiding. After you find it, you will need to catch it in a Pokemon ball. To do this, you will need to throw this item at the character several times until you grab it. It is worth remembering that if you miss, the hero may escape and then you will have to look for him again. Each furry friend has its own story and a number of characteristics that can be explored in the collection section. If you want to play Pokemon Go on your computer, then you have to download the application and install it. To do this, you can use a special program that will allow you to launch not only Android games, but also various applications.

As soon as you come up with a nickname for your trainer, you have to walk around the house and look for furry friends. If you wish, you can stay in place, since Pokemon never sit still. They move and can be right in front of you at any moment. The application also provides a game store that will allow you to purchase the necessary items and get new characters.

How to install Poke Go on your computer?

To play Pokemog Go on a PC, you will need to use an emulator program. We suggest you consider applications such as or After that you need:

  • Install a special version of Bustax or Knox;
  • After that, go to the main section of the emulator and configure geolocation. It's located on the right side of the screen and will allow the emulator to view your location. This will allow you to search for Pokemon in a variety of places around the city.
  • After this, in the search you will need to click on Geocode. Using the mouse, you can zoom in on the map of the area, as well as zoom out;
  • Find the application and download it through the emulator.

Similar games:

  • - a story about cute dragons that you have to breed.

Video review of Pokemon Go


Pokemon Go is a great game in which you have to travel around the city and look for cute furry animals. You can create collections, upgrade them, and also send them into fights. This version is already available in Russia, so you can play Pokemon GO on PC at any time!

In this article I will tell you whether there is hope and whether to wait Pokemon Go for Windows Phone. Tens of millions of downloads, millions of fanatical players, crazy popularity, addictive gameplay - all for the Android and iOS platforms. The game is breaking record after record in popularity, but what about tens of millions of Windows Phone OS users who can only envy the happy users of Apple and Android smartphones? I hasten to assure WP OS users – it’s not all that bad!

The appearance of the game “Pokemon Go”, which uses the concept of “augmented reality”, did not go unnoticed by owners of smartphones with Windows Phone OS. Online forums quickly became filled with complaints from WP users who were indignant at the lack of agreement between Microsoft and the game developers, Nintendo and Niantic, to release a version of the game for Windows Phone. Moreover, the range of negative emotions ranged from despondency to anger, and there were a huge number of such posts.

Petition for Pokemon go to appear on Windows Phone

The most active decided not to sit idly by and launched a petition to the game developer, Nintendo, demanding to create a version of the Pokemon Go game on Windows Phone.

At the moment, the petition has already been signed by 77 thousand people, and their number is growing rapidly (by the way, if you want the game to be released on WP, then I advise you to sign it as well). According to the creators of the petition, devices with the Windows Phone OS have tens of millions of users, and developers should not lose such a large market sector that promises huge profits.

Microsoft is already working on bringing a version of Pokemon go to Windows Phone

I hasten to please Windows Phone users, according to the information I have, Microsoft takes care of its users and is considering options for releasing Pokemon on the WP platform. This version was confirmed quite recently when, at one of the specialized forums, a Microsoft representative said that The Store team is working on implementing the idea of ​​​​placing the Pokemon go game in the Microsoft application store for Windows Phone. At the same time, the vast majority of users simply did not expect a response from Microsoft; the latter came as a surprise to many.

Nowadays, there are three main versions of the appearance of Pokemon Go on Windows smartphones.

I suggest making some noise together in the comments to the article below, asking for the game to be released on Windows. There is information that the need for a version for this OS is periodically analyzed.

Version 1. Microsoft will pay Niantic to create Pokemon go on Windows Phone

The huge market of Windows Phone users may encourage Microsoft to directly order a Windows Phone version of the game from Nintendo and Niantic. Considering the huge boom of Pokemon go on Android and iOS versions, profits from the Windows version can also be cosmic, and this information looks quite real.

Version 2. Microsoft programmers will write the game in collaboration with Niantic

A similar option has already had a precedent with the Facebook application for Windows Phone, and now it can be considered as quite likely acceptable.

Version 3. Craftsmen

There is an option that a version of the Pokemon Go game for Windows will be written by a community of enthusiasts. This option is considered the most unlikely, but given the phenomenal popularity of the game, it could happen. Another thing is that the issue of intellectual rights may arise here, and this issue is quite sensitive in the West. Wait and see.

Version 4. Using Wconnect

Some users claim that the game can be run under an Android emulator on Windows Phone called Wconnect. Personally, this seems doubtful to me, but daredevils with knowledge of English can use the voluminous tips indicated here (after installing the game on smartphones, some people get an error, the solution is at the link).


Based on the information I have, Windows Phone users will not be left out, and Pokemon go will also be released for devices based on the said operating system. Another thing is how long it will take until “Pokemon” becomes available for download on the Windows Store. In this case, I can only quote the famous aphorism of Leo Tolstoy: everything comes to the one who knows how to wait.

In contact with

The situation with Pokemon GO is getting more and more interesting. New rumors, details, records and scandals. Android and iOS fans have been happily running around urban landscapes in search of monsters for several weeks now. But what about Windows Phone fans? This OS very often remains deprived, since the vast majority of developers simply “forget” the audience.

However, the situation was partially saved by one of the users who asked the Portuguese representative office of Microsoft about the release date of Pokemon on Windows Phone. Corporation employees did not deny the fact that the Pokemon Go game is being prepared for release on a relatively unpopular platform. This means that soon the flow of players will increase even more.

We must not forget about the electronic petition in support of the application on the Microsoft OS. Another thing is that the company’s support service has repeatedly fed its audience with false promises. Remember the situation with Snapchat, which to this day cannot be found in stores.

Platform problems

The Pokemon game caused such a stir that many users began to leave Windows Phone en masse in favor of Android and iOS just because of Pokemon GO. It would be hard to call this situation ordinary. However, this is a huge stone in the garden of Microsoft, which simply does not follow trends and does not try to somehow retain a young audience. Yes, they monitor the quality of the software, but they definitely do not look at its quantity.

For now, the situation is partly kept afloat by the developer ST-Apps, who managed to gain access to the Niantic and Nintendo servers. Now the guys will be able to make an unofficial, but independent version of the Pokemon game on their own, to the delight of the fans. The first screenshots and short animation of gameplay on Windows Phone have already been shown. If the official creator does not take any action, then the custom will be available to the general public in mid-to-late August.

How to install a game on WP?

It’s stupid to believe that no one thought of porting the application from competitive platforms. At this moment, we will consider the possibility of installing games from the Android OS by launching APK files through certain applications. Everything was done on Windows 10.

Smartphones on which the game should run: Lumia 920, 925, 929, 830, 930, 1520, 635, 730, 820, 435, 928

The list of actions is as follows:

  • Download wconnect and the ADB tool from the Android SDK (link to both archives);
  • Unpack the archives into separate folders;
  • From the wconnect folder, install IoOverUsbInstaller.msi and vcredist_x86.exe;
  • Connect your device to your PC via USB or Wi-Fi and on your smartphone go to Settings -> Updates and security -> For developers. Set to developer mode and enable device discovery;
  • Hold Shift, right-click on the extracted wconnect folder and in the context menu click “Open command window”;

  • If the smartphone was connected via USB, at the command prompt enter wconnect.exe usb and press Enter;

  • You will be prompted to enter a code to pair your devices. To do this, on your smartphone, click “Link”, enter the received code in the command line and press Enter;
  • Now open the adb folder, hold down the Shift key, right-click on the platform-tools folder and select “Open command window”;
  • Inside the platform-tools folder place the one you are going to install;
  • At the command prompt, enter adb devices to make sure the device is connected;
  • Enter adbinstallapplicationname.apk(For example, adb install Pokemon-GO-v0-29-31.apk);
  • Wait for the installation to complete and then look for the app in the Windows 10 Mobile app list.

We hope the instructions helped you during installation.

By the way, sometimes there may be minor problems with GPS detection and performance, but confusion quickly . The easiest method is to disable and then re-enable geolocation. And don’t forget to set the coordinates more accurately in the settings.

Official release date for Pokemon GO on WP

So far we can only hear evasive answers from Microsoft representatives. Yes, they assure us that the game will appear on Windows Phone, but there are no approximate dates or numbers yet. We can only hope that when the petition is signed, the bosses from Redmond will become more efficient and announce the final release time.

On the other hand, the application was not even properly announced around the globe. The developers themselves also do not indicate the exact date of the global launch. Who knows, perhaps with a global launch Pokemon GO will appear on the “counters” of all existing stores, including Windows and not only. We wait.